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A Prayer For Unity


Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.
Psalm 133:1

It can certainly be a pleasant place to be when we are in agreement with those around us! However, there are many times in life when we don’t agree and relationships may feel tense and even become fractured. Often these broken relationships can affect us for years. Just when we think the pain is well buried something happens to bring it to the surface again. God is working to bring us to maturity and has a very loving way of bringing issues to the surface and letting us chose if we deal with them.

If you’re not at peace with someone today ask God to help you resolve it, don’t let it become a more painful thing. Often, simply listening to the other and asking God for His heart as you listen will bring understanding, mutual encouragement and a way to be in unity.


Is there someone on your mind today who you are not at peace with? Ask God to show you Jesus’ way of love in the next step.

Are you aware of some in our church community who are in disagreement? Pray that they may find a way to be united, that their commonality may be greater than their disagreement.

Is there a place in the world on your heart today? Ask Father God to bring more of His kingdom in this place.


As St Francis of Assissi prayed:

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy."

Lord Jesus come and bring peace and reconciliation to our world today. Thank you for the diversity and difference, may that be celebrated rather than fought over and may you raise up the peacemakers in broken communities. May our church community be a place that reflects unity, a place that glorifies you in the way we demonstrate love and care for one another. Show me today where I may be an instrument of your peace.