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We're a vibrant Anglican church in the town of St Peter Port in the beautiful island of Guernsey. Our vision is to be an authentic community of faith committed to making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ.

Holy Trinity Church was built in 1789 and we are very fond of our building. The real church though is a gathering of people and we are a church community gathered from across the island that meets on Sundays in 5 different congregations and in smaller groups during the week.

We believe that when we put our faith in Jesus Christ and seek to be his followers or disciples we come into an open and loving relationship with our creator God. This is good news! As a church community we want to grow in our relationship with God and also share this good news with others.

Therefore we believe that our calling under God is to be a community of faith committed to making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our priorities are:

  1. Helping people grow as disciples of Jesus Christ (UP) ↑

  2. Building a stronger sense of community within Holy Trinity (IN) ←

  3. Partnering with God to make disciples of Jesus Christ (OUT)

Our People