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    • Faith In The Family
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Raising Confident Kids

When they are asked, "Who are you?" before all else, I want them to stand tall, to puff out their chests and to say in a clear, confident voice, "I am a disciple of Jesus. This is me."

Ed Drew

Raising Confident Kids is aimed at Parents who want to help their children grow up confidence in knowing what the gospel is and how it affects their lives. Ed Drew does a fantastic job of reminding us as parents of the beauty of the gospel for ourselves, and gently takes us through how it is a biblical priority for us to share it with our children. Coming alongside parents further, he then explains how we can share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our children in the everyday parts of life, and continues by showing how we can help them apply this good news to the challenges they face in todays culture. After discovering the joys of how the gospel, Ed Drew then talks through how it can give our children confidence in topics such as friendships, crisis, body image, pornography, sex, sexual attraction, gender, marriage and singleness . The book isn’t a long one, but packed full of powerful encouragements to help parents be intentional in growing faith at home.