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A Prayer For Sabbath


Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.
Exodus 20:8

This instruction from God is for our own benefit. He is telling us to stop and have a rest, to take time to worship Him. Jesus showed us that this day is not meant to be a burden of keeping some rules but rather it is intended to help us. A rest energises us for work again and helps us to look at what is important. It changes our rhythm which we need for mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. It is a gift so enjoy this time just as God in Genesis rested and was pleased with what He had created.


Rest can mean different things to each one of us, think about what refreshes you which may be something you don’t find time for in your working week. (A swim, a walk, meeting up with friends, quietly reading, etc)

Consider how you can create a Sabbath, what would you like to have as part of your Sabbath? (Light a candle at the start, take more time to read the Bible, worship music, a family meal, etc)

Is your sabbath rest glorifying God?


Lord Jesus thank you for the gift of sabbath.

Thank you that you showed us the way to create a rhythm of work and rest.

Thank you for your love and care which allows us time to rest.

Teach me your rhythm for my life Lord so that I may be rested and you may be glorified.

Please show me how to make more time for you and how to keep the sabbath holy.

Thank you Lord Jesus.
