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Raising Boys & Girls Podcast

Hosted by Sissy Goff, David Thomas & Meilissa Trevathan this podcast Raising Boys & Girls is recorded from their little yellow house where they provide Christian counselling for kids. This podcast offers encouraging and supportive thoughts for parents on the different ages and stages of children, helping them to care for the kids in their life with understanding and hope.

Running since 2020 and with nearly 250 episodes to date, there are a wide variety of episodes to choose from.  With many episode that include discovering how to help your child in the age and stage their at, and including themes such as loss, empathy, siblings, social media, relationships, emotions and much much more.  Released twice a week, this podcast is a parents go to for ideas, encouragements and faith building home habits.

Listen to the latest episode below or listen to the whole show on Spotify or other Podcast apps.