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    • Faith In The Family
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Talking Faith

Talking Faith by the Kitchen Table Project.

Talking Faith, is a video series of conversations with Christian parents about how they have explored faith with their families at home. These 14 videos produced by the Kitchen Table Project, chat with the likes of Pete Greig from 24/7 prayer, TV presenter JB Gill, Gareth Glikeson from Rend Collective Band, and talk about ways to inspire faith in their children. Covering topics such as ‘lifes big questions’, ‘engaging with the bible’, ‘developing gratitude’, ‘equality and social justice’, ‘highs and lows of parenting,’ ‘mental wellbeing’ and more. Ranging from ten to thirty minutes, there is something for every family to relate to and learn from in growing faith at home.

Available at the Kitchen Table Project through the button below or through the YouTube player above.