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How should I read The Bible?

Reading the Bible can be a transformative experience, but it can also feel overwhelming if you’re not sure where to start. Here’s a short guide to help you engage with Scripture with confidence, whether you’re new to the Bible or looking to deepen your understanding. 

Engage with the Big Picture 

One of the most important steps in reading the Bible is to understand that it’s not just a collection of random books or isolated stories, but a unified narrative or story. The Bible tells the big story of God’s relationship with humanity, beginning with creation, moving through the history of Israel and building up to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and then leading further up to the hope and promise of the new creation because of the risen Jesus. Approaching the Bible as one grand story helps to make sense of the individual parts.

I have found The Bible Project to be a fantastic resource for understanding this big picture. They have videos and reading plans that take you through the major themes of the Bible, helping you see how everything connects. 

Understand the context 

Understanding the context in which the Bible was written is crucial. The Bible was written over centuries, by different authors, in different genres, in different cultures and historical settings.

Knowing this background can help us make sense of passages that might otherwise be confusing or seem irrelevant. 

I use Bible commentaries to help me understand the context and have found the ‘For Everyone’ series by John Goldingay and Tom Wright really helpful for understanding the context in which the Bible was written.

Read with humility and prayer 

Come to the Bible with an open heart and an open mind. Read the Bible prayerfully by asking God to help you understand what He might be saying to you through the text before you read.

Start in Genesis? End in Revelation? 

If you plan to read the Bible through in one year, then you might read the Bible from start to finish like a novel. There are various reading plans, apps and audio Bibles that you can use to help you like The Bible in One Year or the Audio Bible in One Year
However, you don’t have to read the Bible from start to finish! You can start with some of the books that are easier to engage with like the Gospel of Mark or Genesis or the New Testament Letters. 

Little and often over a lifetime 

Establishing a daily habit of reading the Bible helps you to hear from God, shape your life and provide sustenance for the journey of faith.

Whether you plan to read the Bible in one year or read through a particular book with a commentary alongside or use Lectio Divina, the important thing is to make a plan and stick to it!  
And don’t forget to shake things up a bit when you read the Bible. Last year I read the Bible through in one year and this year I am reading some Old Testament books with a commentary by John Goldingay alongside. Engage with the Bible little and often! Also, look at ways in which you can integrate the Bible into everyday life such as reading a psalm when you take a lunch break or praying a Bible prayer like Numbers 6 over other people.

Apply what you read  

We don’t just read the Bible to gain knowledge but also to let the Bible shape our lives. This means not just understanding the text, but letting it change how we live, interact with others and understand God. Ask God to speak to you through the text and think about how you can apply its message to your day-to-day life. 


Reading the Bible is a journey that involves seeing the big picture, understanding the context, being open to new insights, reading little and often and then applying what you read. Hopefully by combining these approaches, you can engage with Scripture in a way that is both intellectually enriching and spiritually transformative.  
Whether you’re reading a Psalm in a time of trouble or studying a Gospel to learn more about Jesus, the key is to approach the Bible with an open heart and mind, ready to be shaped by its timeless wisdom. 

 Lord, as I read Your Word, open my heart and mind. Help me understand and apply Your truth. Guide me by Your Spirit, and draw me closer to You. Amen.