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Monthly Examen

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24

The examen is a spiritual practice which enables you to reflect on your experiences. It gives you space to review the day, week or month, think about where God has been at work and ask for His help in the season ahead. In this practice we reflect on past emotions (whether joyful or sorrowful) and ask ourselves which experiences have to us felt least alive (furthest away from God) and which have felt most alive (closest to God). We then reflect on the season ahead, whether that's a day, week or month, and consider what we may need to ask God for help with.

The examen is a process that allows us to be intentional about our calendars and engaging with our emotions so that we can offer our whole selves to God. To aid you in this practice we have put together a worksheet to help which you can download through the link below.